P3 Trials

Academic Project

The Newcastle P3 Clinical Research Unit, is responsible for organising and undertaking drug trials on behalf of pharmaceutical companies for chronic illnesses such as arthritis and asthma. It is one of five national centres across the country undertaking this important work. The Trial Centres get paid by the pharmaceutical companies for this work and profits are placed back into the local services they provide. However, the problem is that for non-life-threatening illnesses, drug trials are often harder to recruit for and there is a much higher dropout rate.

The challenge was to explore ways to better promote and communicate the process and role of these important clinical trials. This will not only increase retention rates but also instil a community pride and purpose in participating and contributing to medical advances.

The challenge involved designing and prototyping a service concept that promotes, communicates and encourages continued participation in clinical trials. A proposed solution should be cost effective, limiting expensive advertising and promotional campaigns as far as possible in order to maximise the financial return to NHS local services. Focusing on fulfilling the needs and personal motivations of trial participants.